Blog (page 12)

A new ‘Spatial Manager’ version has been released (6.2). Besides including the one-step transformation of the drawing’s Coordinate System, one of the most demanded functions by the users, it will allow you to work with GeoPackage files and many more.... more

‘Spatial Manager’ includes many import options to get cartographic and spatial data organized, structured, labeled, filtered and customized from various sources. This post analyses the options for separating by layers not only the imported elements but also the texts that... more

‘Spatial Manager’ dynamic Background Maps technology allows you to graphically enhance your maps and drawings, and turn them more readable and practical. In this example we will show you how to combine the image capture of the Maps with some... more

Due to the relevance of importing points from data tables in many projects and works related to territorial information, cartography or surveying, ‘Spatial Manager’ includes multiple systems that simplify this task. MS Excel is one of the most used tools... more

In any task or project related to territorial information it is very important to be provided with tools that facilitate the integration of multiple information formats from different sources. Although there are already some entries on this topic in this... more

Shapefiles (SHP), despite being a standard in GIS, are files with a simple structure that do not support different types of graphic objects in a single file. This requires multiple export processes when you want to export Points, Lines, Polygons,... more