Blog : Desktop L3 (Advanced)

Direct geocoding is the process of converting an address or a place name into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This is typically done using a geocoding service or API, which can interpret the provided address and return the corresponding coordinates... more

WFS data servers provide the ability to access vector spatial information via a remote connection. Although you can use ‘Spatial Manager’ User Data Sources (UDS) to access this type of servers, it is interesting to know that these servers... more

User Data Sources (UDS) have been developed inside every product of the Spatial Manager™ suite mainly to access spatial databases and spatial stores, but they can also be used to access spatial data files including their own connection parameters Access to... more

Occasionally you will find some spatial data (SHP files or PostGIS tables, for example) that does not include geo-referencing information, but you know the Coordinate System (CRS) used to define the Features in the Table If this applies to you,... more

Spatial Manager Desktop™ includes multiple, simple or advanced methods to select Features: graphical selections, Data grid selections, queries over Layers, restrict the selection to a Layer, add/remove Features to/from a selection, spatial queries and more Using some of these methods,... more

The Open Geospatial Consortium Web Feature Service Interface Standard (WFS) provides an interface allowing requests for geographical features across the web using platform-independent calls The basic Web Feature Service allows querying and retrieval of features. The client... more