Blog : CAD L1 (Basic)

The shape type PolylineZ of a Shapefile (SHP) contains a different Z coordinate value for each vertex of polylines. Import them af 3D polylines entities in order not to lose all of the details of the represented geometries ... more

GeoJSON is an open standard geospatial data format based on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). The content is stored as plain text, structured for allowing complex or compound geometries and with attached data. Most common file extensions are .geojson, .geo.json and... more

Export texts or labels from a DWG to Google Earth directly maintaining the layer and object colours. It is a very intuitive one-step process of publishing stylized geometries grouped by their layers with their names or other related data or... more

The Street View palette in ‘Spatial Manager’ (CAD versions) allows you to visualize dynamic Google Street View images directly in your CAD application by selecting a point on any geo-referenced drawing. There is no need to enter street or road... more

As in other applications, and the operating system itself, the Shortcuts in ‘Spatial Manager’ (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD, GstarCAD and Desktop) are the way you can reference any folder into a physical or network drive, or the drive itself, and allows... more

The Background Maps technology built into ‘Spatial Manager’ allows access to user-defined WMTS, WMTS and XYZ/TMS map servers, but also includes access to some of the most widely used image map servers, such as OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Mapbox, Bing, and... more