‘Spatial Manager’ dynamic Background Maps technology allows you to graphically enhance your maps and drawings, and turn them more readable and practical. In this example we will show you how to combine the image capture of the Maps with some... more
Google Earth allows you to save any image of the maps that are shown on the screen considering which are the active Places and Layers along with a configuration file (.geprint) that stores the Map options but also the Map... more
‘Spatial Manager’ dynamic Background Maps functions allow you to use preset maps (Bing, MapBox, OpenStreetMap, etc.), but also define and group your own maps by accessing public, administration or enterprise WMS, WMTS or XYZ/TMS servers (Google Maps, Municipalities, Gov. Agencies,... more
Raster geo-referenced image files are widely used by anyone working in GIS or Mapping environments because they can include orthophotos, scanned geographic areas or details, information overlays, etc. Although almost all CAD applications have tools for attaching raster images... more
Under certain conditions, displaying large images on ‘Google Earth’ may cause problems. These images can be replaced by a “cross” in order to indicate that the real image cannot be loaded on the map. Other times, images may be... more
Capturing raster images from Dynamic Background Maps in ‘Spatial Manager’ (CAD editions) allows you to generate static images (snapshots) from the current Map view. In the latest application update (v.4.2), this function has been improved in two ways... more