Blog : Maps

When working with external Layers, which are loaded into a Map by reading spatial data sources, one of the usual problems is the modification (change of name, change of location, etc.) of these data sources Spatial Manager Desktop™ includes a... more

Using base maps (roads, aerial, etc.) from imagery providers allows, not only the composition of more attractive Maps in mapping applications, but also the use of these base images as a practical reference system or a powerful tool for checking on the... more

Spatial Manager Desktop™ considers the coordinate systems of the Layers in a Map to get a real view of their Features which will be projected according to the coordinate system of the MapWhen working with an application that includes... more

A common situation is when you want to separate one spatial data Table into multiple Tables depending on the values ​​of a Field from the original Table_This may occur, for example, if you need to generate multiple Tables... more

It is very common to have spatial information sources where it is necessary to visualize, organize and stylize quickly. One of the most common formats for this kind of information is often Esri Shapefiles (SHP) because of their high level... more