Due to the relevance of importing points from data tables in many projects and works related to territorial information, cartography or surveying, ‘Spatial Manager’ includes multiple systems that simplify this task. MS Excel is one of the most used tools... more
In any task or project related to territorial information it is very important to be provided with tools that facilitate the integration of multiple information formats from different sources. Although there are already some entries on this topic in this... more
Shapefiles (SHP), despite being a standard in GIS, are files with a simple structure that do not support different types of graphic objects in a single file. This requires multiple export processes when you want to export Points, Lines, Polygons,... more
Google Earth allows you to save any image of the maps that are shown on the screen considering which are the active Places and Layers along with a configuration file (.geprint) that stores the Map options but also the Map... more
We are all increasingly familiar to locate places on a map using Google Maps or similar services, but what about being able to do it directly on our drawings or maps? ‘Spatial Manager’ (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD and Desktop) has recently... more
New spring version of ‘Spatial Manager’ (v.6.1) released. You will find interesting improvements in the management and usability of Terrains and Import capabilities, as well as the new Search Location feature. In addition this new version is fully compatible with... more