Blog (page 10)

The Tasks in ‘Spatial Manager’ allow you to store import processes so that they can be repeated multiple times without having to re-enter all the parameters and options of these processes. This post examines one of these options, that of... more

One of the powerful import options available in ‘Spatial Manager’ (CAD versions: AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD and GstarCAD), allows to Label the objects as they are imported using Text objects, but, what to do if the graphic objects already exist in... more

‘Spatial Manager for BricsCAD’ version 6.3 is BricsCAD 21 compatible. In this version, released a few days ago, you will also find some interesting improvements and new features, such as the new Direct Export functionality or the revamped ‘Transform of... more

Inside one of the most important ‘Spatial Manager’ functionalities, the Import/Export of geospatial data, has recently been included a new option in order to exporting directly from a data source to any other target. This new function avoids the previous... more

Some days ago a new intermediate version of ‘Spatial Manager’ (v.6.3) was released. You can find some new features and improvements, as well as full compatibility with AutoCAD 2021, BricsCAD 21, ZWCAD 2021 and GstarCAD 2021. Please, review the news... more

One of the most user-rated geospatial data management and GIS applications in CAD and CAD/GIS environments has been implemented in the GstarCAD software system. From now on, this version is added to those already available for AutoCAD, BricsCAD and ZWCAD... more