‘Spatial Manager’ (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD, GstarCAD or Desktop) allows the users access to dynamic map servers from their drawings or maps. In this post you can learn how to configure some of the most interesting specific maps for Central Europe... more
From the first ‘Spatial Manager’ versions, access to vertical NearMap images has been included as a preset option through the dynamic Background Maps technology (as well as OpenStreetMap, Bing, MapBox, and others). Now you will also be able to... more
Yandex provides image mapping services as an alternative to similar ones such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, etc. Yandex allows users access to tile map servers (XYZ/TMS) for the whole planet but with more diffusion and detail for Eastern European... more
The dynamic Background Maps customization capabilities included in ‘Spatial Manager’ give you the powerful access to WMS, WMTS and XYZ/TMS map servers. Now, when configuring WMS maps, the application also allows you to define the background color or transparency... more
Following several previous posts about how to configure and apply diverse parameters for Google Maps as dynamic Background Maps in ‘Spatial Manager’ (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD or Desktop), you can learn here how to add Real-Time Traffic and Transit (public... more
The “Select by query” tool included in ‘Spatial Manager’ allows you to achieve object selections in the map or drawing based on a query over the alphanumeric data associated with the objects. From version 5 this tool let you... more