Blog (page 38)

Scenario #1: We need to quickly check which the appropriate file is, between three Shapefiles (SHP) files that include the same data but whose spatial geometric information is differentSpatial Manager™ software is not designed to compete with most of the existing GIS... more

When importing or loading points from spatial ASCII files (CSV, XYZ etc.), Spatial Manager™, like most applications which support these kinds of spatial data sources, includes only usual connection parameters In the best case, the data provider for ASCII files... more

Since the beta versions of the Spatial Manager™ suite of products were released on April 1, 2014, we have reached more than 1000 downloads through our websiteThese downloads includes beta versions, free trial versions and the different editions... more

One of the main problems of sharing maps with other users, and to be able to send a compact information, is the need to likewise share the data sources of the Map Spatial Manager Desktop™... more

First commercial versions of various Spatial Manager™ suite products have been released on June 1, 2014. All the products will include a limited free trial version from now on After several months of the product development under beta versions, tested by many... more

The diverse sources of global spatial data available nowadays provide extensive opportunities to get territorial information, which can complement generic drawings or maps. One such source is Google Earth Many planners and other map makers need to add specific information... more