Blog : Tricks and Tools (page 4)

Most of the ‘Spatial Manager’ application settings can be shared between different users in a company or organization, so they do not need to repeat the same configuration processes on every workstation or for every user in a workstation... more

Many BricsCAD and ZWCAD users report that the ‘Spatial Manager’ Background Maps temporarily vanish while Zooming or Panning in their drawings. The cause is to be found in the value of the ‘RTDISPLAY’ system variable Related videos:  more

Some weeks ago, another entry in this Blog explained how to configure dynamic Google Maps in ‘Spatial Manager’ in order to use them as Background Maps in your drawings (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD) or in your Maps (Desktop). But there... more

In the latest version of ‘Spatial Manager’ for CAD applications (AutoCAD / BricsCAD / ZWCAD), you will find a new configuration option that allows you to improve the visual quality of the ‘Background Maps’Click on the image below... more

As was said in another post from this Blog, the display of the Import parameters window is often delayed when importing some “heavy” data sources in AutoCAD or BricsCAD OpenStreetMap stands out as... more

When installing ‘Spatial Manager for AutoCAD or BricsCAD or ZWCAD or GstarCAD’ the setup program checks which compatible Autodesk or Bricsys or ZWSOFT or Gstarsoft programs are installed on the computer at that time and... more