Blog : Release (page 8)

In the autumn version of Spatial Manager™, all the products include new or improved features developed with our users in mind and these may be a surprise to anyone who tries the Application. Exporting the current map/drawing status to Google Earth, static “snapshots” of the Background Maps, selecting objects... more

The newly released version 3.1 of Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD includes Autodesk 2017 products compatibility. Try it today If  you need to import/export spatial or GIS data into/from AutoCAD 2008 to 2017 (*), and many other tools to manage spatial data, such as background base maps, data... more

The new version 3.1 of Spatial Manager™ has been already released. It comes full of interesting innovations and all the users will enjoy the best Spatial Manager™ applications suite published so far. Try it or update your applications  more

The new version (2.2.0) of the Spatial Manager™ products has been released today, and it comes full of interesting innovations. Try it or update your applications MAY15 – New releases. “TASKS” technology and many more The “Tasks” technology, already included in Spatial Manager Desktop™, has now been... more

The next April release of Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD will include Autodesk 2016 products compatibility. Stay tuned to this blog Do you need to import / export spatial or GIS data into / from AutoCAD 2008 to 2016 (and other related Autodesk products)? Spatial Manager™ for... more

New releases (1.0.5) of Spatial Manager ™ for AutoCAD and Spatial Manager ™ for BricsCAD were launched some days ago. Try them or update your applications MAR15 – New releases. EXPORT and many more · EXPORT!: at the same time that these new releases were launched,... more