Blog : CAD L2 (Medium) (page 2)

3D modeled objects are exported to Google Earth (KML/KMZ) in a very easy and intuitive way. Different altitude and height modes are available depending on how the model has been created and the way want to be represented (relative to... more

Spatial Manager allows you to create text labels in the drawing from selected objects on the drawing or map. One of the improvements introduced in latest versions of Spatial Manager is the option to create labels of selected objects in... more

In this post we will review the tools provided by ‘Spatial Manager’ for accessing geographic dataset services, both imagery and vector. This example will use some of the datasets provided by PDOK (Netherlands), where you can find open government data... more

Many ‘Spatial Manager’ functions (Import, Export, Background Maps, etc.) can automatically perform a process of coordinates Transformation from the source to the target as part of the sequence executed by these functions. That means that the application will calculate a... more

In this third example on spatial analysis using Overlays in ‘Spatial Manager’ we will apply the “Intersect” operator. This operator determines the geometries that overlap in the Source and Overlay object groups. Anything that does not overlap is discarded from... more

In this second post dealing with Overlays in ‘Spatial Manager’, we will analyze another interesting operator (Clip), which creates objects from the areas of the Source that overlap with the Overlay. Use Clip in order to find objects that lie... more