The newly released version 3.1 of Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD includes Autodesk 2017 products compatibility. Try it today If you need to import/export spatial or GIS data into/from AutoCAD 2008 to 2017 (*), and many other tools to manage spatial data, such as background base maps, data... more
The new version 3.1 of Spatial Manager™ has been already released. It comes full of interesting innovations and all the users will enjoy the best Spatial Manager™ applications suite published so far. Try it or update your applications
It is said that “No news is good news”, but every partnership is the best news for us and for our customers. Our specialized partners can sell you any Spatial Manager™ product as well as help you solve any pre-sale and post-sale issueNew Spatial Manager™ partners: ·... more
The new version (2.2.0) of the Spatial Manager™ products has been released today, and it comes full of interesting innovations. Try it or update your applications MAY15 – New releases. “TASKS” technology and many more The “Tasks” technology, already included in Spatial Manager Desktop™, has now been... more
The next April release of Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD will include Autodesk 2016 products compatibility. Stay tuned to this blog Do you need to import / export spatial or GIS data into / from AutoCAD 2008 to 2016 (and other related Autodesk products)? Spatial Manager™ for... more
New releases (1.0.5) of Spatial Manager ™ for AutoCAD and Spatial Manager ™ for BricsCAD were launched some days ago. Try them or update your applications MAR15 – New releases. EXPORT and many more · EXPORT!: at the same time that these new releases were launched,... more