Blog (page 43)

In the coming days, we will be releasing the first beta version of Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD. We are very proud of this innovative tool designed for AutoCAD users who need to import and manage spatial data and that includes... more

‘Non editable’ Layers are those that are connected to any data source through a ‘read only’ data Provider The reason why these layers are deemed ‘non-editable’ is that, since the data sources connected can not be saved if their content in a... more

Spatial Manager Desktop™ includes multiple, simple or advanced methods to select Features: graphical selections, Data grid selections, queries over Layers, restrict the selection to a Layer, add/remove Features to/from a selection, spatial queries and more Using some of these methods,... more

Within the Spatial Manager Desktop™ functional suite, you can find some advanced functions such as Spatial Queries to solve the search of interferences between Features Spatial Queries allows you to locate Features in a Layer that interfere with the selected... more

Inside Spatial Manager Desktop™ there is a “hidden” option to take advantage of the data shown in the Properties Panel By placing the cursor over any data, if CTRL + C (standard combination for “Copy”) is pressed,... more

One of the most used techniques to load data tables from spatial files into a Spatial Manager Desktop™ Map is through dragging and dropping them from Windows explorerThis way of loading is very fast and... more