Blog : Shapefiles (SHP) (page 2)

The community of geospatial information OpenStreetMap (OSM) is diverse and grows every day. Its contributors include map designers and map users, GIS professionals, engineers who control the servers, etc., working around the world The  more

One of the basic needs of any AutoCAD user to handle geospatial information, by downloading files from the web or by collaborating with others GIS users, is importing into AutoCAD Esri shapefiles (SHP file format)Please,... more

Within the Spatial Manager Desktop™ functional suite, you can find some advanced functions such as Spatial Queries to solve the search of interferences between Features Spatial Queries allows you to locate Features in a Layer that interfere with the selected... more

One of the most used techniques to load data tables from spatial files into a Spatial Manager Desktop™ Map is through dragging and dropping them from Windows explorerThis way of loading is very fast and... more

The Open Geospatial Consortium Web Feature Service Interface Standard (WFS) provides an interface allowing requests for geographical features across the web using platform-independent calls The basic Web Feature Service allows querying and retrieval of features. The client... more

A common situation is when you want to separate one spatial data Table into multiple Tables depending on the values ​​of a Field from the original Table_This may occur, for example, if you need to generate multiple Tables... more