Blog (page 24)

Many BricsCAD and ZWCAD users report that the ‘Spatial Manager’ Background Maps temporarily vanish while Zooming or Panning in their drawings. The cause is to be found in the value of the ‘RTDISPLAY’ system variable Related videos:  more

Some weeks ago, another entry in this Blog explained how to configure dynamic Google Maps in ‘Spatial Manager’ in order to use them as Background Maps in your drawings (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD) or in your Maps (Desktop). But there... more

L’IGN Français (Institut National de l’information géographique et forestière) met à la disposition des professionnels des images numériques, ainsi que des orthophotographies, géoréférencées et immédiatement utilisables pour connaître le territoire, localiser des informations, constituer et mettre à jour des bases... more

Over the last few days a large number of Coordinate Systems used in Western Australia have been added to the ‘Spatial Manager’ geographic databases, along with all the required geographical projections and conversion process parameters more

All ‘Spatial Manager’ applications (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD or Desktop) provide access to many dynamic Maps published by many Maps providers. However, some providers have restrictive clauses prohibiting the inclusion of access to their services or data in a commercial... more

In the latest version of ‘Spatial Manager’ for CAD applications (AutoCAD / BricsCAD / ZWCAD), you will find a new configuration option that allows you to improve the visual quality of the ‘Background Maps’Click on the image below... more