Blog : CAD L2 (Medium) (page 10)

Yandex provides image mapping services as an alternative to similar ones such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, etc. Yandex allows users access to tile map servers (XYZ/TMS) for the whole planet but with more diffusion and detail for Eastern European... more

The Export functionality in ‘Spatial Manager’ is one of the most advanced application tools that allows you to write in geo-spatial data containers (files like Shapefiles, KML, GML, etc., or databases like PostGIS or SQL Server) objects of your... more

Up to now, ‘Spatial Manager’ (CAD versions) had a powerful tool to import in a single-click operation any supported geospatial file from within a folder. Now you can apply the same tool to all tables inside a schema or... more

The dynamic Background Maps customization capabilities included in ‘Spatial Manager’ give you the powerful access to WMS, WMTS and XYZ/TMS map servers. Now, when configuring WMS maps, the application also allows you to define the background color or transparency... more

Following several previous posts about how to configure and apply diverse parameters for Google Maps as dynamic Background Maps in ‘Spatial Manager’ (AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD or Desktop), you can learn here how to add Real-Time Traffic and Transit (public... more

While ‘Spatial Manager’ allows you to handle any type of 3D information and therefore export 3D-point tables from your drawing or map, there are times when the points Z-coordinate information is in a label form. Here you will find... more