
Search in Google Earth and use in AutoCAD

The diverse sources of global spatial data available nowadays provide extensive opportunities to get territorial information, which can complement generic drawings or maps. One such source is Google Earth Many planners and other map makers need to add specific information... more

PostGIS or SQL Spatial data to basic AutoCAD? Sure

Ever more basic AutoCAD users, working in sectors such as architecture, engineering, or landscaping,, need access to spatial data as a base or complement to their own designs and projects Often such data is housed in corporate spatial data servers. Most applications... more

Exporting Points (Data & Coordinates)

You often need to export Point features data from spatial data management applications to commonly used applications such as MS Excel or MS Access, using a format recognized by these applications Spatial Manager Desktop™ allows you to export the alphanumeric data of any set... more

Import OpenStreetMap data into AutoCAD drawings

Many AutoCAD users, such as architects, surveyors, engineers, etc., often need access to territorial information as a basis for their own projects or their work related in some way to the territory  OpenStreetMap community has... more

Convert OpenStreetMap data to Shapefiles (SHP)

The community of geospatial information OpenStreetMap (OSM) is diverse and grows every day. Its contributors include map designers and map users, GIS professionals, engineers who control the servers, etc., working around the world The  more

Data sources smart search

When working with external Layers, which are loaded into a Map by reading spatial data sources, one of the usual problems is the modification (change of name, change of location, etc.) of these data sources Spatial Manager Desktop™ includes a... more