Since the first commercial versions of the Spatial Manager™ suite of products were launched on June 1, 2014, we have reached more than 20000 downloads through our website, Autodesk Exchange (AutoCAD) or the Bricsys application store (BricsCAD)

These downloads includes free trial versions and the different editions of commercial versions of Spatial Manager Desktop™, Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD and Spatial Manager™ for BricsCAD, proving the high interest of many users in highly operational and easy to install and use quality products related to the management of spatial data

Spatial Manager download page

We wish to thank of all the users who have downloaded and are already working with our products for their trust, as well as the positive feedback we have received through our Support and Info centers

For those of you who want to download or find out more about the Spatial Manager™ suite of products, please use the following links:

– Spatial Manager™ website: /

– Product pages

*** Spatial Manager Desktop™: /spm-desktop/

*** Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD: /spm-forautocad/
*** Spatial Manager™ for BricsCAD: /spm-forbricscad/

– Downloads: /downloads/
, and also:

*** Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD, from Autodesk Exchange

*** Spatial Manager™ for BricsCAD, from BricsSys applications store

**– Price pages:

** *** Spatial Manager Desktop™

*** Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD

*** Spatial Manager™ for BricsCAD

– Wiki: