Blog : Desktop L1 (Basic)

Spatial Queries using SHP files

Within the Spatial Manager Desktop™ functional suite, you can find some advanced functions such as Spatial Queries to solve the search of interferences between Features Spatial Queries allows you to locate Features in a Layer that interfere with the selected... more

How to Copy and re-use data from the Properties Panel

Inside Spatial Manager Desktop™ there is a “hidden” option to take advantage of the data shown in the Properties Panel By placing the cursor over any data, if CTRL + C (standard combination for “Copy”) is pressed,... more

Drag and drop of SHP, KML, GPX, etc., files to a Map

One of the most used techniques to load data tables from spatial files into a Spatial Manager Desktop™ Map is through dragging and dropping them from Windows explorerThis way of loading is very fast and... more

Separate thematic Layers from GIS Tables

A common situation is when you want to separate one spatial data Table into multiple Tables depending on the values ​​of a Field from the original Table_This may occur, for example, if you need to generate multiple Tables... more

Loading and applying styles to SHP files

It is very common to have spatial information sources where it is necessary to visualize, organize and stylize quickly. One of the most common formats for this kind of information is often Esri Shapefiles (SHP) because of their high level... more

Converting SHP to KML

Google Earth has become one of the most popular systems for viewing and querying spatial information, not only for of its ease of use but also because of the quality and quantity of information layers provided by the system itself... more