Blog (page 40)

Using base maps (roads, aerial, etc.) from imagery providers allows, not only the composition of more attractive Maps in mapping applications, but also the use of these base images as a practical reference system or a powerful tool for checking on the... more

A new release of Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD (0.9.9 beta) was launched yesterday (April 9, 2014) including AutoCAD 2015 compatibility. Try it or update your application Do you need to import spatial or GIS data into AutoCAD 2015? This is your... more

Spatial Manager Desktop™ considers the coordinate systems of the Layers in a Map to get a real view of their Features which will be projected according to the coordinate system of the MapWhen working with an application that includes... more

A new release of Spatial Manager Desktop™ (0.9.9 beta) and a new release of Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD (0.9.8 beta) were launched on March 27. Try them or update your applications Spatial Manager Desktop™ product... more

The connections through the Windows ODBC standard (Open Database Connectivity) expand the possibilities of access to data sources based on basic connection drivers that the operating system itself or some other applications can provide Access to certain file types, or... more

It is becoming increasingly common to find geo-spatial information contained in KML or KMZ files, used by Google Earth, produced by private users or by the administrative authority, and importing such files in AutoCAD has become a necessity Spatial Manager™... more