NEW VERSION: We have released Spatial Manager Desktop version 9. Check out the new features here

Manage Spatial Data

Spatial Manager Desktop is a powerful tool developed for users who need to import, export and manage spatial data in a simple, fast and inexpensive way

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Learn about the key features of the application

Read and write

Read and write spatial data using a wide range of file formats and spatial servers

Spatial Manager Desktop™ allows you to read and write a broad spectrum of geospatial data from/to files (OpenStreetMap, KML/KMZ, Shapefiles, GML, etc.) and servers or data stores (PostGIS, SQL Server, WFS, etc.) (Data Providers list)

Use Spatial Manager Desktop™ advanced wizards to define source and target spatial data and import or export parameters

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Coordinates transformation Updated V9

Calculate geometric transformations of the features in the import and export processes

Spatial Manager Desktop™ will calculate geometric transformations of the features in the import and export processes, which will depend on the chosen Coordinate System (CRS) for the source and target data

The user can choose the appropriate CRSs from a complete CRS catalog or from a list which includes the most recent used CRSs

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Background maps

Choose from among a lot of dynamic Backgrounds Maps from providers such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, MapBox, Ordnance Survey, etc., or configure your own maps from TMS, WMS or WMTS servers

Spatial Manager Desktop™ allows to the users choose from among a lot of dynamic Backgrounds Maps from many providers such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, MapBox, Ordnance Survey, etc., or customized maps from TMS, WMS or WMTS servers. These maps will enhance your documents quality and will let the users compare and check better

The map images are automatically updated when the document view changes (zoom, pan, etc.) and the images resolution is automatically adapted to the view size. The user can export/import customized map definitions to be shared with other users

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Google Earth publication

Export all or part of the elements in the visible Layers of the map and their data to a KML or KMZ file

Spatial Manager Desktop™ includes a specific function designed to Export all or part of the objects in the visible Layers of the map and their data, to a KML or KMZ file (Google Earth) through a one-click operation

The current Layers organization and the properties of the Layers and features are considered when creating the resulting GE file, and this file can be opened directly in Google Earth (if installed)

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Layer Management

Arrange your maps in Layers that can be fully managed by the application

Spatial Manager Desktop™ allows you to structure your maps by Layers whose control is found in a multitude of functions designed to optimize your documents

You will be able to organize your Layers in addition to those generated automatically in the import processes, sort them, control their visibility, etc. Spatial Manager Desktop™ also includes advanced functions to separate the information by Layers according to data values, export complete Layers or control selections or the map view according to the selected Layer

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Data management

Manage the alphanumeric data attached to the elements, design and edit the structure which will be used to store the data

Spatial Manager Desktop™ will manage the alphanumeric data which may come attached to the elements in the import processes themselves but the users can also edit the tables structure which will be used to store the data. They can manage the fields according to their own needs

In addition, the data values can be modified in the application data grid and there are functions to select elements by Queries or perform easy Find and Replace processes. The application also provides functions that allow Zooming to the selected elements or to a specific Layer

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Fields calculator

Calculate simple or complex expressions using operators and functions that can be applied to field values in a table and/or to constant values

Calculation of new or existing field values using arithmetic, mathematical, date, etc., expressions. Include constant values and/or values from other fields

Geometric functions like Area or Perimeter are also available

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Spatial analysis

Perform spatial analysis operations over the objects in the drawing or map generating new objects from such analysis

Spatial Manager Desktop™ provides a comprehensive set of tools to perform spatial analysis operations over the vector objects of the drawing or map and their attached data, resulting in new objects generated by the resolution of such operations

Spatial analysis operations can be performed on a combination of tables, layers or drawing objects previously selected by interacting with on-screen elements or by using the application's advanced selection queries

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Location tools

Location and geo-coding tools help to add reference elements and enhanced data to existing objects

Get locations from unreferenced addresses or add data to existing objects

Built in Bing, Google and OpenStreetMap data providers offer wide range of data access

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Task & processes

Spatial Manager Desktop™ includes the ability to save Tasks that make it easy to run repetitive import and export processes

Spatial Manager Desktop™ Tasks are the way the user can save any import or export process and its parameters in order to run repetitive processes for import or export data tables

The user can execute any Task directly from the application or from the operating system command window; this feature also lets the user define powerful batch processes

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multi language

Available in English, German, Spanish, French, Russian and Portuguese

The application (interface, windows, messages, etc.) is available in several languages and automatically adapts to the language of the main application

Perpetual license

Pay once, no periodic fees

Application licenses are perpetual and include one year of free updates/support

frequently asked questions

  • Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and higher
  • 1024 x 768 VGA graphics, or higher
  • 1 GHZ 32-bit or 64-bit processor, or faster
  • 1 GB RAM or more (4GB recommended)
  • 2 GB free disk space, or more
  • Microsoft .NET 4.5 (installer included)
  • Windows Installer 3.1 or later
Spatial files
  • Esri Shape file - (SHP)
  • Google Earth file - (KML, KMZ)
  • OpenStreetMap file - (OSM, PBF, OSC) (1)
  • LiDAR file - (LAS, LAZ)
  • GPS exchange format file - (GPX)
  • Esri ASCII Grid file - (ASC, ASCII) (1)
  • ASCII text file - (ASC, CSV, NEZ, TXT, XYZ, UPT)
  • SQLite file - (SQLITE, DB)
  • GeoPackage file - (GPKG) (1)
  • GML file - (GML, GZ, XML)
  • Autodesk SDF file - (SDF) (3)
  • MicroStation v.7 file - (DGN) (2)
  • AutoCAD DXF file - (DXF) (2)
  • Esri ArcInfo export file (ASCII) - (E00) (1) (2)
  • MapInfo file - (TAB) (2)
  • MapInfo interchange format file - (MIF/MID) (2)
  • GeoJSON file - (GEO.JSON)

Spatial raster files
  • Variable resolution Raster image file - (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF/COG TIFF) (1) (4)

Spatial data servers and Geo-databases
  • Esri Geodatabase File - (GDB) (1)
  • PostGIS database
  • Microsoft SQL Server Spatial database
  • MySQL database (1) (3)

Image map servers
  • WMS Web Map Services (4)
  • WMTS Web Map Tile Services (4)
  • XYZ/TMS Tile Map Services (4)

Other spatial data sources
  • Open Database Connectivity ODBC (1)
  • WFS data store (1)
  • WFS data store (FDO) (1) (3) (5)
  • WFS data store (OGR) (1) (2) (5)

(1) Read-only
(2) OGR data source
(3) FDO provider
(4) Background Maps technology
(5) DEPRECATED - Whenever possible use the native WFS data provider

Note: certain data Providers are only valid for some Editions of the application
  • We process a personalized analysis of each case, so some types of advanced licenses are not offered directly on the web store. Please contact to indicating your needs and we will send you a customized quote