Spatial Manager Desktop™ allows to the users choose from among a lot of dynamic Backgrounds Maps from many providers such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, MapBox, Ordnance Survey, etc., or customized maps from TMS, WMS or WMTS servers. These maps will enhance your documents quality and will let the users compare and check better
The map images are automatically updated when the document view changes (zoom, pan, etc.) and the images resolution is automatically adapted to the view size. The user can export/import customized map definitions to be shared with other users
Background base maps (roads, satellite, hybrid)
Quickly change the maps background by choosing between solid colors or geo-referenced high quality imagery as base maps
Configure new Groups and new Maps by entering a minimum of data. There are also tools to edit the Maps configuration data or delete them from the list
In this post we will review the tools provided by ‘Spatial Manager’ for accessing geographic dataset services, both imagery and vector. This example will use some of the datasets provided... more
‘Airbus OneAtlas’ service provide access to high-resolution satellite imagery, innovative geospatial analytics and industry-specific insights. This post explains how to configure ‘Spatial Manager’ Background Maps in order to dynamically access... more
The Background Maps technology built into ‘Spatial Manager’ allows access to user-defined WMTS, WMTS and XYZ/TMS map servers, but also includes access to some of the most widely used image... more
The online maps service provided by Mapbox allows the users to customize their maps or create variations through a wide range of options and tools included in Mapbox Studio. Find... more